Cynthia Healy
Cindy Healy found her voice working for the past fifteen years as a trustee with a roster of clients confident in her ability to manage their money and confident in her respect of their interests and independence.
A CPA for thirty-five years, Cindy has long recognized the need to lend a voice to those not able to speak for themselves. It is the heart-rending conversations and
the inspiring stories Cindy has engaged in that have encouraged her to expand her work to promote awareness about protection of the elderly and disabled while
maintaining respect for the voice of the individual.
In 2003, she formed Security Financial Advisors, a company she specifically designed to combine the fiduciary duties of a trustee with the personal intervention necessary to preserve the senior’s independence and include their participation in the vital decisions about their future.
In 2014 Cindy created GoGrey.com, an online educational resource meant to provide education about the crimes of elder abuse with the goal of inspiring the public to better protect seniors. Cindy is now uniting her service as a trustee/advocate and her promotion of education with Cindy Healy: Find Your Voice ®. It will be her platform for scheduling speaking engagements and one-to-one coaching sessions for individuals who want the benefit of her in-depth instruction and insight.
As a Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Fraud Examiner and a Certified Senior Advisor, she speaks frequently to public and corporate groups. She has
appeared on television and radio and has had a number of articles published about her unique focus of work.
Cindy is a believer in the triumph of the human spirit, the angels among us and the wisdom of God. In her spare time, she enjoys her grandchildren and traveling.

Cindy Healy, with Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is a certified Canfield trainer to teach others his transformational “Success Principles.”
As a long-time advocate for seniors, Cindy’s broad perspective gives her a strong set of problem-solving skills as well as the empathy and communication skills to effectively manage a variety of situations.”
-Frank Hespe, Esq.